Office of Operations and Facilities
The Calhoun County School District Operations Department is responsible for maintaining the integrity of Calhoun County Schools' facilities cost-efficiently and safely. The department is responsible for energy management, preventive maintenance, and reactive repair of facilities and grounds.
Annual Notification of Asbestos Management Plans
In compliance with the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA), Calhoun County Public Schools (CCPS) has prepared Asbestos Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Plans for the following CCPS buildings: Calhoun County High School, St. Matthews K-8 School, Sandy Run K-8 School, and the CCPS District Office. No asbestos-containing materials were used to construct the new District Office, St. Matthews K-8 School, or the Sandy Run K-8 School. Furthermore, no asbestos-containing materials were used in the renovations to Calhoun County High School; however, AHERA requires preparing an O&M plan for each school building. The plans are available for inspection during regular business hours as required by the AHERA Rule. The O&M Plans are on file at the CCPS District Office located at 125 Herlong Avenue, St. Matthews, SC 29135.
Any questions concerning the O&M Plans should be addressed to George Kiernan, CCPS Operations Accountant and Local Education Agency (LEA) Designee, at the CCPS District Office.
Mr. George Kiernan
Chief of Operations and Facilities
1. New Cafe Furniture for both K8 Schools.
2. HVAC upgrades at all three schools.
3. Athletic Facility Upgrades.
Compliance reporting for Proviso 1.113 (Surplus Property)
Compliance reporting for Proviso 1.113 (Surplus Property)
Transferring vacant/unused surplus property
School districts must transfer any qualifying property to any governmental subdivision or state agency that has provided written confirmation of its intent to accept the property for public use by December 31, 2022. The governmental subdivision or state agency must comply with all requirements related to the acquisition of real property or surplus property, and/or requirements related to the establishment of permanent improvement projects prior to accepting transfer of the property.
Offering vacant/unused surplus property for sale
If no governmental subdivision or state agency confirms an
intent to accept the property, the district is to offer the property for
sale or lease at fair market value as determined by a neutral appraiser
and in compliance with existing law providing for the sale or lease of such
property by a school district.